News Release
It’s time to party! Harlequin celebrates 25 years in print at Print 13
A party to celebrate 25 years of the Harlequin RIP will take place on the Print 13 show floor on Tuesday September 10th from 4pm until 6pm.
The Harlequin RIP’s developers, Global Graphics Software, are inviting customers, press vendors and fellow exhibitors to join in the fun as they celebrate the latest in a long-line of technology innovations at Print 13. Entertainment will be provided by award-winning magician Dennis Watkins and Brad Hagen of the Broadway and New York comedy clubs.
Harlequin is now at the heart of digital print as well as being the leading RIP used in newsprint world-wide and by small and medium sized print shops for general commercial printing.
To pre-register for the party visit:
BOOTH #958
Editors notes
Tel: +44 (0)1223 926489